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CMC database

Field of measurement: mass
Quantity: mass
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Conditions of measurement Procedure Note to procedure
2 (0 - 20) kg (5.0E-7 - 5.0E-7) MH
  • weight E2 
2 (20 - 50) kg (1.6E-6 - 1.6E-6) MH
  • weight F1 
2 (50 - 600) kg (5.0E-6 - 5.0E-6) MH
  • weight F2 
2 (600 - 2.0E+5) kg (1.6E-5 - 1.6E-5) MH
  • weight M 
Quantity: mass of weights
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Procedure Note to procedure
1 (1 - 20) mg (0.001 - 0.001) mg 612-MP-C131
1 (50 - 50) mg (0.0013 - 0.0013) mg 612-MP-C131
1 (100 - 100) mg (0.0016 - 0.0016) mg 612-MP-C131
1 (200 - 200) mg (0.002 - 0.002) mg 612-MP-C131
1 (500 - 500) mg (0.0026 - 0.0026) mg 612-MP-C131
1 (1000 - 1000) mg (0.003 - 0.003) mg 612-MP-C131
1 (2 - 2) g (0.004 - 0.004) mg 612-MP-C131
1 (5 - 5) g (0.005 - 0.005) mg 612-MP-C131
1 (10 - 10) g (0.006 - 0.006) mg 612-MP-C131
1 (20 - 20) g (0.008 - 0.008) mg 612-MP-C131
1 (50 - 50) g (0.01 - 0.01) mg 612-MP-C131
1 (100 - 100) g (0.016 - 0.016) mg 612-MP-C131
1 (200 - 200) g (0.03 - 0.03) mg 612-MP-C131
1 (500 - 500) g (0.08 - 0.08) mg 612-MP-C131
1 (1000 - 1000) g (0.15 - 0.15) mg 612-MP-C131
1 (2 - 2) kg (0.3 - 0.3) mg 612-MP-C131
1 (5 - 5) kg (0.8 - 0.8) mg 612-MP-C131
1 (10 - 10) kg (1.5 - 1.5) mg 612-MP-C131
1 (20 - 20) kg (3.3 - 3.3) mg 612-MP-C131
Field of measurement: flow
Quantity: delivered volume
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Conditions of measurement Procedure Note to procedure
(0.006 - 7) m3/h 0.2 %
  • fluid water
Field of measurement: thermometry and humidity
Quantity: teplota
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Procedure Note to procedure
12 (-50 - 1760) °C 0.12 °C 611-MP-C130
12 (-50 - 1760) °C 0.16 °C 611-MP-C130
12 (0 - 1820) °C 0.14 °C 611-MP-C130
12 (-210 - 1200) °C 0.04 °C 611-MP-C130
12 (-270 - 400) °C 0.04 °C 611-MP-C130
12 (-270 - 1000) °C 0.04 °C 611-MP-C130
12 (-270 - 1370) °C 0.05 °C 611-MP-C130
12 (-270 - 1300) °C 0.05 °C 611-MP-C130
12 (-200 - 100) °C 0.03 °C 611-MP-C130
12 (-200 - 800) °C 0.03 °C 611-MP-C130
12 (0 - 2500) °C 0.24 °C 611-MP-C130
12 (-200 - 900) °C 0.04 °C 611-MP-C130
12 (-200 - 850) °C 0.02 °C 611-MP-C130
12 (-200 - 850) °C 0.02 °C 611-MP-C130
12 (-200 - 850) °C 0.03 °C 611-MP-C130
12 (-200 - 850) °C 0.02 °C 611-MP-C130
12 (-60 - 250) °C 0.01 °C 611-MP-C130
12 (-60 - 250) °C 0.01 °C 611-MP-C130
Field of measurement: electricity and magnetism
Quantity: DC resistance standards and sources: low values
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Conditions of measurement Procedure Note to procedure
DCR01 (1.0E-5 - 1) Ω (0,06 - 50) µΩ/Ω
  • oil bath temperature 23 (20) °C
Quantity: DC resistance standards and sources: intermediate values
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Conditions of measurement Procedure Note to procedure
DCR02 (10 - 1.0E+6) Ω (0,02 - 4) µΩ/Ω
  • oil bath temperature 23 (20) °C
Quantity: DC resistance standards and sources: high values
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Conditions of measurement Procedure Note to procedure
DCR03 (1.0E+7 - 1.0E+14) Ω (7 - 6000) µΩ/Ω
  • air bath temperature 23 °C
  • voltage 20 V to 100 V, 500 V, 1000 V
Quantity: DC resistance meters: low values
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Conditions of measurement Procedure Note to procedure
DCR07 (0.0001 - 1) W (5 - 50) µW/W
  • air bath temperature 23 (20) °C
Quantity: DC resistance meters: intermediate values
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Procedure Note to procedure
DCR08 (1 - 1.0E+9) W (3 - 100) µW/W 111-MP-C001
Quantity: DC resistance meters: high values
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Conditions of measurement Procedure Note to procedure
DCR09 (1.0E+9 - 1.0E+12) W (250 - 1000) µW/W
  • air bath temperature 23 (20) °C
Quantity: AC resistance: real component
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Conditions of measurement Procedure Note to procedure
ACR01 (1 - 1.0E+4) W (20 - 20) µW/W
  • frequency 40 Hz to 10 kHz
Quantity: DC voltage
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Procedure Note to procedure
9.1 (0 - 20) mV (15μV/V+0,050 μV - 15μV/V+0,050 μV) 611-MP-C097, 611-MP-C098
