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CMC in field "plane angle"

Quantity: face angle
Interní identifikátor Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Measurement conditions Procedures
CMI/38 (0 - 360) ° 0.6 "
  • number of faces subdivisions of 36: 3,4,6,9,12,18,36
Quantity: index angle
Interní identifikátor Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Procedures
CMI/39 (0 - 360) ° 0.5 " 431-MP-C006
Quantity: position angle
Interní identifikátor Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Procedures
CMI/40 (0 - 360) ° 1.6 " 431-MP-C006
Quantity: error of indicated angle
Interní identifikátor Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Procedures
CMI/41 (-100 - 100) ' 0.5 " 431-MP-C004
CMI/77 (0 - 360) ° 4 ´´ 431-MP-C007
Quantity: error of indicated inclination angle
Interní identifikátor Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Procedures
CMI/42 (-100 - 100) ' 1 " 431-MP-C004
CMI/42a (-1000 - 1000) " (arcsec) 0.3 " 431-MP-C004
Quantity: included angle
Interní identifikátor Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Procedures
CMI/44 (0 - 360) ° 2 " 431-MP-C005
Quantity: rovinný úhel
Interní identifikátor Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Procedures
2.1 (-100 - 100) ´ 1 ´´ 431-MP-C004
2.1 (-2200 - 2200) ´ 0.2 ´´ 431-MP-C004
2.2 (-100 - 100) ´ 0.5 ´´ 431-MP-C004
2.2 (-2200 - 2200) ´´ 0.03 ´´ 431-MP-C004
2.3 (0 - 180) ° 2 ´´ 431-MP-C005
2.4 (0 - 360) ° 0.5 ´´ 431-MP-C006
2.5 (0 - 360) ° 0.5 ´´ 431-MP-C006
2.6 (0 - 360) ° 0.5 ´´ 431-MP-C006
2.7 (0 - 360) ° 0.6 ´´ 431-MP-C006
2.8 (0 - 360) ° 0.08 ´´ 431-MP-C006
2.9 (0 - 360) ° 80 ´´ 431-MP-C006
2.10 (-180 - 180) ° 2.4 ´´ 431-MP-C007
Quantity: squareness
Interní identifikátor Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Measurement conditions Procedures
CMI/45 (90 - 90) ° 0.5 "
  • uncertainty valid for 500 mm size 
CMI/46 (90 - 90) ° 0.5 "
  • uncertainty valid for 500 mm size 